Hunters in the Digital Age
Dedicated to all tech business founders, the true pioneers of our age.

This is a book for tech business founders and the leaders and advisors who work alongside them. It is for anyone who aspires to grow an outstanding business and change the world around us:
Part I, Stories, shares the stories of extraordinarily successful UK businesses as well as my own journey of learning and discovery. Each unique story reveals significant keys to success and can be read in isolation or with the other stories to form a more comprehensive picture, thus helping develop depth of understanding.
Part II, The Founders’ World, shares the perspectives and world views of successful founders. These are very different to those of the many who have followed the well trodden path of employment in established organisations. Introducing The Map of Growth, Part II reveals the key paths to success and the classic traps and minefields to avoid.
Part III, Finding Your Way, shows you essential questions to ask and when to ask them so that you can find your own answers and paths towards sustained growth and a legacy that endures
David's TED Talk
Successful tech businesses need more people with the right skills and attitudes in order to sustain their rapid growth. The bad news is that supply of talent just does not keep up with demand. Significant problems exist across talent supplies and recruitment funnels. A rich seam of talent is lost by focusing on the What and not the Who or Why. Traditional Recruitment is in crisis. It must be rebooted if our rising stars are to reach their full potential. Curiously, the solution to this modern day puzzle is an ancient and powerful form of communication. David explains how we can adopt this to find true talent wherever it is, to continue to grow our successful organisations and businesses for the benefit of all.